Monday, November 06, 2006

Joining hands

The perscription for my Tamoxifen was called into the drugstore on Wednesday, immediately following my appointment. I couldn't bring myself to get it. I'll start it tomorrow. Tomorrow came, and I still didn't pick it up. It felt as though beginning Tamoxifen was beginning a new chapter of my experience, and it was a big step for me to take. I worried about the side effects, even though the potentially immediate ones were not all that bad. I dreaded having hot flashes, being nauseated, or experiencing any other unwarranted side effects from the drug. I had tried to stay away from pills my entire life to avoid playing with my body's natural functions, but this time it was necessary. I just had to take the step.

After reading everything I could about the drug, I finally went and picked it up later Thursday evening. The pharmacist informed me that it was to be taken twice a day, preferably with food or at bedtime to avoid nausea. It had to be taken at the same time everyday, so I had to choose the times and stick with them. Since I would likely be taking the pill for the next 5 years of my life, I wanted to pick a time that would be convenient and suitable to my lifestyle, would hide nausea, and when I would be least likely to forget them. I decided to take them at approx. 12 noon and 12 midnight each day.

So, Friday at noon I joined hands with my new friend, Tamoxifen. I swallowed all 10mgs up with my lunch. Here goes nothing. When I finally took the first one, each pill following became a little easier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seems like the start of a beautiful relationship - lets hope you don't forget who your REAL FRIENDS are.....
