It is now 10 weeks post-chemo and my is now coated in an even array of dark blonde, soft hair, about a half an inch long. I am very pleased with the progress--every morning when I wake up I go to the mirror to see the changes and every day the growth is noticeable. My friend visited yesterday after not having seen me in about two weeks and she was awestuck at how much it had grown in that short amount of time. My mother even noticed after not seeing me for three days! The rest of my body hair has also grown in, although I could have went without shaving for another little while! My eyelashes and eyebrows never did fall out, although they did seem somewhat thin for a couple of week following my final treatment.
Here are some pictures from Easter Weekend:

1 comment:
...Love the new pics, Mel. I check in everyday to see if something new has been posted. It's amazing how the body can be put through so much trauma and yet at the end of it all, you (hair and all) bounce back! We don't give our bodies enough credit, I think! You're doing great, are very lucky to have such fantastic parents, family, & friends to give you a soft shoulder to cry on, or a kick in the arse (which ever is required at any given moment). What a rollercoaster you are on...I am just so impressed with your strength, courage, and sense of humor! You friggin' rock, girl!!! (I really enjoy your choice of music, by the way...I had that windmills song stuck in my head for days). Ever consider "One Moment In Time"? It's a little "diva", but the lyrics are appropriate (even if ya skip the tune and just post the lyrics).
Anyway, now I am rammbling...that's the Roach in me! ;)
Love ya girl...keep smillin!!
yer cuz,
Jodi :)
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