Thursday, October 12, 2006

Where do I begin?

Although this blog is dated for today (Thursday, October 12th), I will begin by recapping the spiralling pattern of my life over the past couple of months. For those of you who know me, this will be your chance to keep updated on my life and everything that's going on. For those of you who don't, my name is Melanie Roach. I am a 25 year old female, from Nova Scotia, Canada who is now battling breast cancer. This blog will give everyone, including those who know me and those who don't, a chance to get a glimpse at what its like to be a young and seemingly healthy woman and be struck with the news that life and all the dreams you had in store for it, may suddenly be jeopardized. You will have a chance to travel with me during my journey with breast cancer ... a disease which hopefully I will someday overcome. Perhaps this knowledge will empower you and others to take action with your lives and do the best you can to prevent yourselves from being faced with similar situations. Or, even more, perhaps it will allow you to view your life in a different light. I here commence The Pink Diaries!


Anonymous said...

Dear don't know me, but we do have some common people in our lives. Namely.. Scott, Mary Frances, your Dad is my son's music teacher, your Uncle teaches at same school as my sister....good ole' Cape Breton:)
I just finished reading your words, my response is amazing...I heard you were special, now I know for myself this is true.
I needed you to know that you are not only in the thoughts and prayers of your nearest and dearest. I pray for you nightly, for a complete and speedy recovery. I will continue to read your blog and wish you strength and all the very best. Sending a big hug!!

Anonymous said...

An add on, Melanie..........wasn't sure if I should talk about during original posting, upon screaming at me ...yes!!
I, at your age also became ill, not with cancer, but with Multiple Sclerosis. I had 2 small babies, under the age of 2 yrs. Not once in the almost 21 that followed (to date) did I cry over this diagnosis or feel "poor me". And believe me I had some rough times. The mind is a very powerful instrument! I, now at 46, other than a few "little things" am fine. Tests, surgeries, waiting for results can feel sometimes too much to take, but amazingly we get through it. Take from this.... strength and empowerment, while borrowing my motto "I have M.S. (or cancer) doesn't have me! Ever want to talk or need an ear Scott can tell you how to reach me ;)